Tuesday, June 7, 2011

8 Secrets to Being a Low-Maintenance Woman

8. Stop asking "What are you thinking about?" all the time - chances are, nothing. Let him keep his thoughts to himself occasionally.

7. Stop making your relationship the main topic of all your conversations. With your girlfriends, your boyfriend, your husband or your co-workers - talk about something else, it's not always about your relationship.

6. Be OK with solitude. Even the tightest couples need and thrive on time apart.  A low-maintenance gal is OK with the occasional guys night out because she can't wait to spend a quiet evening alone.

5. Take care of your own self-esteem. Don't leave it up to the man to tell you how great you are to build your self esteem - do it yourself.

4. Take it easy on the special orders. Chances are the chef might actually know more about food than you do. Designing your own entree every time you are at a restaurant asking for water, lemon, a napkin, a straw isn't impressive it's annoying.

3. Learn to laugh at yourself. Being  low-maintenance often means being bale to bounce back quickly from life's little trouble. A girl that can laugh at her own mistakes comes across as confident, funny and less likely to fall apart when someone else makes a mistake.

2. Buy some freakin' comfortable shoes. We don't care if they are ugly - we are sick to death of hearing about how much your feet hurt. To a lot of men a respectable pairs of shoes or whatever is just as appealing as a pair of stilettos.

1. Stop worrying about your hair. The simpler the style, the faster you will be able to get out of the house and on to something more fun.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. I meant to accredit this to the Eric & Kathy morning show on WTMX The Mix Chicago.
